Why should I study in Germany ?

Many pupils must have aspired to study in Germany at some point in their lives. However, why do I recommend that you include it on your college bucket list? The fact that you are an undergraduate there would not only look well on your resume, but you would also enjoy advantages! Without a question. The Indians are one of the nationalities who benefit from these advantages. However, if you are from “The Land of Diversity” and are debating whether or not to submit an application to a German university, consider the following eight suggestions before making your final decision.

No tuition fees

Yes, you did read that correctly. To be honest, this has to be the most significant reason why Indians choose to study in a foreign nation, since the percentage of Indians studying abroad has more than doubled, and is currently 13.14 percent.

When a student enrolls at a public German university, he or she is automatically exempt from paying any tuition fees. This is due to the fact that the money used by the schools are provided by the government. The best part about this offer, which includes 400 colleges, is that it is open to both domestic and international students. Absolutely incredible, isn’t it ?

Degrees recognized in all the European countries and many other

The 48 European countries collaborated on intergovernmental cooperation in higher education, if you were wondering. This is called the Bologna Process. Put another way, the Bologna Process unifies and improves the educational system across the whole European Union. As a result, when an Indian student studies in Germany, it is certain that the degrees that they choose are recognized, respectedand appreciated in every place across the world.

They may be assured that the level of education will be of highest quality and will be in accordance with international norms because of their three-cycle system, which includes bachelor, master and doctoral degrees.

Plethora of employment opportunities

At first glance, being an Indian in Germany may appear to be challenging. Typically, though, this is not the scenario. You will be able to acquire good and many work possibilities regardless of where you are from in India. According to data, at least 69.2 percent of international students choose to remain in Germany as a result of the numerous career options available to them after graduation. Their employment rate, on the other hand, is an incredible 74 percent.

Specific to the STEM area, those who have a job in this profile are among the most well-paid in Germany. It is one of the top nations in the world for Computer engineers and IT, with wages ranging from 46,126 EUR per year to 55000 Eur per annum. Working hours for non-European students are limited to 20 hours a week for a total of 190 full days or 240 half days. This is enough to manage your living costs as a student.

18 month post study work visa !!

Germany is not one of those countries where, after graduating, you would be deported back to your home country. What is so appealing about it is that they let international students to stay for up to 18 months in order to seek for job. During this time period you are allowed to pick up any job but after 18 months you need to find a job according to your Bachelors Masters profile.

One of the safest countries of the world

A report published recently suggests that Germany, along with Canada, Denmark, and Austria has a strong claim to the title of "world's safest country." All of this is based on statistics pertaining to criminal activity in the country at large.

It has been reported on thelocal.de that according to the released police figures, the crime rate has been extremely low in Germany during the previous three decades. As a result, they are rated 14th out of 162 nations in the world. This is not to imply that it doesn't happens ever. Pickpocketing, bicycle stealing is something that might happen from time to time.

Low cost of living

In terms of living costs, Germany is a country with reasonable living costs yet high standards of life. Your financial situation will be stabilized with a few financial modifications and prudent financial actions. For essentials and costs, a person may expect to spend between 700 to 1,000 EUR each month on average. The savings at theatres and museums will be especially beneficial to you if you are a student.

Some of the major expenditures include rent, food, a University semester fees among others. However, it is still dependent on the city in which you reside.

Beautiful location

Germany might well outshine any other country in Europe when it comes to breathtaking natural beauty. Studying in this country offers several advantages, one of which is the opportunity to get immersed in the culture and variety of the country.

It has a diversified community, and you will almost certainly come across another Indian in some form or another. They also place a high priority on privacy and respect, while being pleasant and hospitable.

Another element that makes Germany stand out is their transportation system. It’s lightning-fast. It is risk-free. It’s a time saver. If you’re a student you get a free transportation card for the state of Germany you live in.

German is one of the most widely spoken language

The fact that it is feasible to acquire the language without having any prior understanding of it means that Indians and other overseas students will most certainly pick up the way they talk and their vocabulary no matter what. It is even advantageous if you decide to stay in the area for a period of time and work. This will boost your chances of being hired by German firms, even if you are not a citizen of the European Union.

Furthermore, it should be remembered that Germany is a nation with strong economics, and that German is the most widely spoken language in European nations. So learn to communicate in German and you’ll fly higher than you’ve ever been before.

Final remarks

In Germany, there is a fantastic educational system. Not only that, but they also provide a plethora of perks to their international students as well. So, if you’re thinking of studying abroad, my dear student, consider Germany as a destination.